Representative Projects


Former Industrial Property – Oil and Chlorinated Solvents Remediation

Ms. Stiller investigated a vacant former manufacturing facility, within a thriving retail area, resulting in the discovery of chlorinated solvents and oil contamination in soil and ground water. The primary source of contamination to the environment was a dry well structure that had received industrial waste streams in the past. With the sale of the property already under agreement, a fast-track resolution of the environmental issues was required.  

Ms. Stiller assisted the client in selecting a patented treatment alternative using in-situ chemical oxidation, which cost approximately one-quarter the amount of the more traditional methods proposed. The process involved injecting conditioning chemicals and hydrogen peroxide to destroy organic contaminants. The treatment process was completed within three days, and follow-up laboratory test results demonstrated that the cleanup goals had been achieved without the need for an Activity and Use Limitation. Site closure was filed.

Retail Mall – Management of Contaminated Fill and Groundwater during Construction

 Ms. Stiller was the LSP of Record for a mall expansion and utility upgrade project that would impact a majority of a 52-acre shopping mall in Burlington, Massachusetts. The presence of fill material containing petroleum, PAHs, and metals contamination resulted in a requirement to manage the excavated soils and pumped groundwater in accordance with a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan filed with the Massachusetts DEP. The site is situated within a Zone II of a municipal drinking water supply.

In addition to State approvals, Ms. Stiller prepared required environmental filings with the Town of Burlington including a dewatering plan and environmental conditions reports as required by the town. Ms. Stiller attended Board of Health and Conservation Commission meetings to assist in gaining approvals necessary to conduct the expansion project.

The project's soil management plan, developed by Ms. Stiller, was designed minimize environmental costs to the owner/developer by re-using as much of the contaminated soil on-site as feasible for backfill. During earthwork, field representatives tracked stockpiles, field screened soil to document consistency with the original characterization, conducted fence line dust monitoring to address potential owner liability claims from abutting residential property owners, confirmed structural bearing materials and backfill compaction, among other duties. Permanent site closure was subsequently filed with DEP.  

Industrial Facility – Coal Gas Manufacturing Waste, Chlorinated Solvents & Heavy Metals

Ms. Stiller was in charge of managing a project involving assessment and cleanup of a historic industrial site that had been a coal gas manufacturing plan, and later a metal plating operation resulting in contaminants including coal tar, cyanide, heavy metals and chlorinated solvents. Ms. Stiller was responsible for teaming with another consulting company researching two-zone anaerobic/aerobic de-chlorination of chlorinated solvents under an EPA SITE program grant. The grant funded 80% of the pilot study. Full-scale treatment was not necessary. Site closure was achieved. 

Research & Development Facility - #2 Fuel Oil Release

Ms. Stiller was LSP of record for a #2 fuel oil release site in an historically industrial, research and development area of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ms. Stiller Filed a DEP Access Assistance Request and worked closely with DEP and the abutter's consultants and attorney to gain access to abutting property to define the extent of a free phase oil plume. A Downgradient Property Status Submittal was ultimately filed on behalf of the client.  

New Courthouse Facility – Historic Fill with Lead Based Paint

Ms. Stiller designed a soil management plan and worked directly with the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) personnel and the project architect during the construction of a new courthouse. Issues involved managing over 6,000 tons of historic fill affected with elevated lead levels, and a localized gasoline release. Ms. Stiller managed the soil by consolidating it on-site rather than disposing of it in a landfill, which was a Greener Cleanup approach, was much less costly, and resulted in reduced short term and long term liability exposure. Ms. Stiller prepared earthwork bid document specifications for on-site soil management. Method 3 Risk Characterization findings demonstrated a Condition of No Significant Risk, and closure paperwork was prepared and filed, with no requirement for a Deed Restriction. 

Research and Development Company – Expert Witness Services

Ms. Stiller was hired as the expert witness in a legal matter against a major national defense contractor who purchased a business in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She was the technical expert for the plaintiff who argued that the defense contractor made an excessive claim against an escrow fund. Ms. Stiller reviewed data and information developed by the defendant’s consultants over the course of several years, and the case eventually went to trial. The Contaminants of Concern were primarily Chlorinated Solvents. The Court found in favor of the plaintiff, awarding the release of $7.0 million from the escrow fund to the plaintiff. This money has since been released.   

Contact Us

ADS Environmental Engineering, LLC


205 Woodland Street

Sherborn, Massachusetts 01770 

Phone 781.727.6646 

Fax 781.644.6000

A SOMWBA Certified Woman Owned Business
